Fann manufactures kits for testing the fluids used at the drilling site.
MicroTPI is a necessity for monitoring turbidity. Shock-resistant carrying case holds everything necessary for field operation.
For use with field test kits. Mixer speed is 15,000 rpm. It features a spring clip and mud shield.
Electrical stability test used to monitor a fluid’s emulsion stability and oil-wetting capability.
Effective means of determining the filtration properties of drilling muds and cement slurries.
Filter Press unit can be pressurized to 1800 psig on the cell and 750 psig on the back pressure receiver. Maximum operating temperature is 500°F
Hydraulic weight creating 100psi pressure and determining the filtration properties of drilling muds and cement slurries.
Contains equipment, reagents required to test drilling fluids for chloride content, alkalinity, sulfate content, and hardness by the Versenate Method.
Designed to reduce the chance of accidental opening of the Filter Press cell while still under pressure.
Simple device for indicating viscosity on a routine basis. When used with a measuring cup the funnel gives an empirical value.
Model 140 Mud Balance provides a simple, practical method for accurate determination of fluid density.
For measuring the absolute density of a fluid sample in a fixed volume sample under pressure.
Use to determine the quantity of liquids and solids in a drilling fluid
Use to determine the quantity of liquids and solids in a drilling fluid
Contains all equipment and reagents required to test fluids for chloride content according to API Recommended Practice 13B-1
Mud systems with Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide (PHPA) Polymer are used and have proven effective. Versatile for inhibiting troublesome shale formations
Contains the basic mud testing equipment required for routine mud checks by rig personnel
Filtrate Analysis Kit contains all equipment and reagents required to test for chloride content, alkalinity, calcium content, and hardness by the Versenate
It is a colorimetric method that uses the same Hydrogen Sulfide Test paper discs as the Garrett Gas Train and can detect as little as 0.3 ppm H2S.
Test steel armor wire (and other steel objects) for the presence of iron sulfide, which can be indicative of exposure to hydrogen sulfide.
Designed to test steel armor wire (and other steel objects) for the presence of iron sulfide, which can be indicative of exposure to hydrogen sulfide.